Confluo is the result of the five day workshop MinD - Mad in Design.
MinD is a workshop based on the idea of a direct, equal, and inclusive project experience between students coming from the academy, users of the services of mental health, designer, teachers and active companies in the sector.
The shape is soft and friendly and is made by three circles with different diameter. 
The inspiration comes from nature, especially from raindrops: different entities which attract each other to create something bigger, something unique.
The idea behind the project is to create a table capable of welcome people in a truly democratic way, where everyone is as much important as the other.
The entire project was developed thanks to the contributions of Marco and Anna - users of the services of mental health: they told us their stories sometimes with words, sometimes with silence and we tried to design their ideas and feelings.
Confluo is a multi-sensorial table made of textures and smells of our deepest memories. 
In the center of each circle you can find tiles designed to store spices and plants. The different textures of tiles create a never-ending discovery for your skin, always stimulated.
As Marco told us, "a table it's not just a table, but it is a way to share my own presence in an extremely conscious way."
Project leader: Marco Stefanelli
Team: Enza BruneroCansu GöksuVirginia VanocchiLudovica Balagna, Lorenzo Cancilleri, Amalia Niang, Maria, Marco, Anna.
Thanks for watching


Confluo is a table designed during the 4th edition of MinD
