The product:

Uuni Pro is the latest oven I developed for Uuni. The project started with the intent to make a bigger version of the Uuni 3, keeping an affordable price point for the wood-fired outdoor chef and pizzaiolo.
The Uuni Pro is more versatile than the smaller model due to a higher floor to ceiling distance and it is possible to cook at lower temperatures than it was with the Uuni 3.
The development:

This oven is a lot more complex than the Uuni 2 and Uuni 3 and its development took nearly two years, with numerous prototypes and a lot of testing.
As a starting point, we defined the internal size of the oven, by making and testing square boxes out of refractory material. Then we made our first metal prototypes so we could test the air flow and the cooking capacity of the oven. We had an engineer joining the team in the second part of the development so we could refine the product and take care of the problems that were arising.
The complexity of the product meant that our workshop capacity and our ability to produce production quality prototypes weren’t sufficient. At this stage, we started to work closely with our manufacturing partner to make the final modifications and produce a fully working prototype.

Uuni Pro is highly modular, it can be used with different doors and different fuel attachments. This versatility allows a wider range of foods to be cooked inside this version of the oven.
The launch:

Uuni Pro was launched on Kickstarter and went really well,  actually the crowdfunding campaign help to get the large stamping mould to be manufactured. The first production round was sold out and the oven has now been added to the line of Uuni products and is available for the general market.
Photos credits: Uuni Limited
Uuni Pro

Uuni Pro

Design of the Uuni Pro outdoor wood fired oven
