Julia Larson, NCIDQ's profile

Filter Bookstore_INTD-301_Fall 2012

l a y e r   d e c o n s t r u c t i o n
The concept for the book store came from the need to display photography in its evolving form as well as its original form. The world we live in today is considered the digital age and throughout the years the art of photography has adapted to follow the technological advances of the time. This store aims to educate and enlighten patrons of both past and current photography production trends from dark room development to computer aided alterations. This space will provided a working dark room for business use, a digital processing center, a gallery of works from local artists of both film and digital origin, and a working studio space for photography lessons and lectures. The idea of this transition in photography led to the concept of deconstruction in the sense of exploding a finished image and stripping back the layers and pixels and finishes of a digital image back to a raw and natural subject. The space needed to celebrate the relationship between photography in its past state, its current state, and its future progression through new and recycled materials as well as programmatic planning and relationships.
· Recycled window and picture frames painted red that make up the installation pieces throughout the space
· Easily assembled pendant lights of a thin Plexiglas strip molded to a tubular form and wrapped with old film negatives
The way finding design within the space is located on the frame installation located on the wall right of the entry as it is the direction where shoppers are most inclined to turn upon entry. The frames extrude at different lengths from the surface; those frames which extrude the most will have directories on them for book locations, restrooms, and other various areas in the space. The planes facing the core of the space will have way finding for book section on portraits, landscape, film, digital, and documentary photography.
· Recycled wood barn siding which is used to make the bookshelves
· Recycled corrugated aluminum from industrial shipping crates painted red as the bookcase backs used for gallery display
The color scheme for this design was derived from the photographs themselves. The main colors are a neutral monochrome with a deep red accent. Within retail, white indicates cleanliness and simplicity, gray represents intelligence and seriousness, black renders a space as elegant and sophisticated, and the red accent evokes reactions such as boldness and excitement. Each of these represented what the design of the space intended to present to the viewer; a clean and elegant space with pops of a deep red to add intrigue and strength to the palette.
model materials_bass wood of varying sizes, corrugated cardboard
third year_interior design_philadelphia university_december 2012
Filter Bookstore_INTD-301_Fall 2012

Filter Bookstore_INTD-301_Fall 2012

It is with this basic philosophy in mind that you are being asked to design a bookstore/café. The client wants to use this enterprise as a venue Read More
