A GiGi's profile



The exhibition of scientific illustrations 
"Come closer. all shades of THE science"​​​​​​​
The most effective way to popularize science is to talk about the complex ideas in a simple and clear way, for example, with the help of pictures. The popular science portal Cherdak successfully applies this principle in their projects. To celebrate the Day of a Science and its own birthday on February 8 they organized an open-air graphic exhibition “Come closer. All shades of the Science” made by Illustrator Aisha Gi in front of the main company's building. The illustrations will tell you who discovered the 118th element of the periodic table, how useful is the study of foreign languages ​​for our brain and what physicists could detect only in 2016, although Albert Einstein wrote about it one hundred years ago.
The exhibition will be open until mid-March, then it will travel to some cities and national research centers.
The popular science portal Cherdak is focused on research at universities and national research centers, as well as academic science and innovative entrepreneurship.
Самый действенный способ популяризировать науку – рассказывать о сложном просто и наглядно, например, с помощью рисунка. Научно-популярный портал "Чердак" с успехом применяет этот принцип на практике.
