Damon Law's profile

Inspirational Poster Triptych (Print)

Inspirational Technology Engagement Triptych Poster Set

A full-sized 24" x 36" poster trilogy on display in offices in San Diego, CA, Tokyo, Japan, and Portland, OR.

In order to promote thought-provoking conversations in a software/developer-centric workspace, I created a series of posters centered around the technological origins and potential future directions of biometric modalities in an effort to inspirationally lift and drive innovation. In order to ignite conversations, I researched the origins of each of the most commonly used biometrics today — facial recognition, iris scanning, and palm/fingerprint verification. Digging deep into the history of these studies was both fascinating and challenging, since some of the predecessors to today's solutions weren't always recognized as legitimate studies, and a few turned our to be outright farcical. Inspired by science, science-fiction, and plain old rock and roll. Each poster has "Easter eggs" embedded in the images — some fun hidden features just waiting to be discovered by curious minds.

Primary Roles: Creative Direction, Art Direction, Research, Design, and Production

(From Ancient Greek derma, "skin", and glyph, "carving") is the scientific study of fingerprints, lines, mounts and shapes of hands. 

Dermatoglyphics refers to the formation of naturally occurring ridges on certain body parts, namely palms, fingers, soles and toes. These are areas where hair usually does not grow, and these ridges allow for increased leverage when picking up objects or walking barefoot. The fingerprints of both hands are not the same. They do not change size or shape throughout a person's life, except in cases of serious injuries that scar the dermis.

Latin to English translation: Iris

(Abstract) Study of facial features or expression, especially when regarded as indicative of character or ethnic origin. The supposed art of judging character from facial characteristics.

Above: Triptych posters in the Foyer of the San Diego IMAGEWARE office.
Inspirational Poster Triptych (Print)

Inspirational Poster Triptych (Print)
