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Event|大視清倉 Yuntech VCD Graduation Market

2o17 雲科視傳系跳蚤市場


☞ DATE   2017·6·06 (TUE) - 06·08 (THU)
☞ TIME   09:00 - 17:00
☞ VENUE  國立雲林科技大學 - 設計二館1F (荷花池對面大門)


在主視覺設計上,以三種圖形表現,分別為代表畢業生的學士帽、視傳系的眼睛標誌及炒熱氣氛的大聲公,清楚直接地傳遞資訊,也營造出跳蚤市場的熱鬧氛圍。色彩系統的部分,選用冷暖的對比色彩搭配,PANTONE Warm Red C代表著熱血衝勁與能量,PANTONE Blue 027帶出時代的冷靜思考,呈現出設計中感性與理性的調和。 

YunTech Visual Communication Design (VCD) graduation market, a flea market that lasted or three days, was organized by recent graduates of VCD department.

The visual identity was comprised of three graphics, the trencher cap, the icon of the eye which represents VCD, and a pair of loud speakers, which clearly convey the information and recreate the lively atmosphere. For the color system, the designer chose complimentary colors. Red stands for the energetic and spirited characteristic of young adults, while blue calls for reflection. The use of red and blue also represent the balance of sensibility and rationality in making design.

活動紀錄 Photo

作品收錄 Book Publish
 - Sandu Publishing《 Duotone – Limited Colour Schemes in Graphic Design 》

design  Fast, Liang 

Event|大視清倉 Yuntech VCD Graduation Market

Event|大視清倉 Yuntech VCD Graduation Market
