Stylish video opener
Here's a quick animation I've created on After Effects following detailed tutorial of 'Dope Motions'. You can download demo file of what I've created here - and personalise it.

Simple text intro animation​​​​​​​
Here's another one - for fun. I tried to play around with After Effects object scaling and rotation. It is super simple to create.

Weather application ​​​​​​​
Trying out default After Effects presets library. Did I forget to mention this is my first ever animation demo. So, please do share any tips and ideas that you may have.

African culture video
Here's a snapshot of video animation I've been working lately. Please view the full video here​​​​​​​.


The dancing watermelon 
I'm playing around with After Effects learning to create simple gifs - this is one of my latest try. What do you think? 

Shape your life!
Shapes morphing. 
I hope you like it. All kinds of feedback are welcome :)
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Things moving