Christos D. Katsanos's profile

FraoulaBest (hydroponic strawberry)

The Challenge: "How to Integrate many small improvements on an ordinary crop such as strawberry, into a Unique Crop & Business Model?

Step 1: Change the Facts. Go not for higher production but FOCUS to higher A quality production fruits (A quality of strawberry gains 3/4 times higher prices in the market!!!)

Step 2: Design the optimal greenhouse for a 9 months crop season

Step 3: Take the crop level from the soil to the man/woman's level of work

Step 4: Invest in 2 layers crop

Step 5: Invest in high quality young plants

Step 6: Go on hydroponics and create blueprints

Step 7: Certify the whole process

Step 8: Communicate the solution in different way to each target group (Grower, retailer, consumer)

Project Leaders: Evagelos Drimtzias & Christos D. Katsanos

Acknowledgements to
Harry and Stavros Zannetos / Spyros Stavrinidis Chemicals Ltd (Cyprus)

Makis Adamou, Adamos Adamou, Adamos Kasapis, Panikos Papaioannou, Kostas Giannoukos, Panikos Giannoukos, Tasos Vardakis (Cyprus)
FraoulaBest (hydroponic strawberry)

FraoulaBest (hydroponic strawberry)

The hydroponic strawberry - FraoulaBest© - solution designed by the DKG Consulting Ltd in collaboration with the IRTC (International Research and Read More
