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Listerine- TVC Script and Storyboard


The film begins on a birds eye view of a forest. The camera takes us a through the forest. Sunlight falls on the bushes and the animals bask by the lake.

Next, we see a lion waking up from his sleep. The lion is big, has thick mane and looks extremely intimidating. He looks around and roars out loud. The roar is strong enough to tell the forest that he is up from his sleep.

He begins to walk through the forest. He has a smirk on his face as he makes his way through the forest. As he moves ahead we see the other animals in the jungle take notice of him. The monkeys jump and shift to far away trees. The squirrel drops his nut and runs to its hole. The deer turns around watches the lion approach and prepare to run, a baby deer is in fix and in confusion falls into the water.

The lion takes notice of these things happening around him. He smirks and thinks out loud to himself.

“What a grand life it is!
These little things treat me like the king of the jungle
See how scared they get when they see me
They know how can crumble them to the dust
And why wouldn’t they? After all my pride has always been the kings of their times.
My father...grandfather...great grandfather
They have all in their times owned this forest.
Even though, the royalty has been abolished long time back
My power in this jungle continues to scare these stupid fools around.
Look at them run away in fear.”


The lion continues to walk ahead as he whistles.

Shots of these animals turning away from the lion, covering their nose and making a disgusted face.
Finally the lion spots a pride of lioness.

He instantly prepares himself to now go and woo the pride with his effortlessly cool persona. He settles his mane and moves towards the pride.

Next, we see that the lionesses talk amongst themselves. One of the says, “Oh no! He’s coming this side again.”

The other one says, “Let’s run away before the stinky mouth comes at us again. I can’t take his breath again it smells like a drain!”

Another lioness (visibly new to the pride) asks curiously, “Let’s stay for a while. Isn’t he the prince of this place? He looks quite good you know.” She smiles at him sheepishly.

The other lionesses run away without explaining, lest they are caught in his company.

The lone lioness and the lion look at each other and flirt for a while. The lion lets out a powerful, big roar. And as the breath reaches the lioness, she faints from the bad smell.

The message on screen:
Listerine mouthwash.
Even the ones in power need it.
Listerine- TVC Script and Storyboard

Listerine- TVC Script and Storyboard
