From: Store


We were tasked with envisioning a retail store with exclusive products that targets
and fills the current market gaps. Through research and analysis of generational habits, the current store brand landscape and pinpointing target audiences, we found
a demand in a few specific areas. Consumers are looking for items with a story that supports their desire for personal expression. Additionally, we discovered there is
a shift happening within the definition of consumer value. People are moving away from the notion of monetary value and instead are searching for value in knowledge, craftsmanship, ultimately searching for a sense of connection to the world around them.

The From: store and packaging were conceptualized around the idea of
receiving a letter. Our products are a gift to the customer, specialized just for them. 

From: Home is a line of home goods and decor, designed to bring
personality and value into any home. This curated line of products can be mixed
and matched to amplify any personal style. Each item has a story, based
off of its history from concept to production. 

From: Basic is a line of beauty & personal care items. This label is
designed to be the essential skin product for the consumers who need simplicity
in their daily routine. It holds the core values of the brand, while ultimately
creating a recurring consumer base. We believe in making effective products from fresh organic fruit and vegetables, the finest essential oils and safe
synthetics. We believe our products have a good value based on ingredients
that we use and by the people who craft the products.

The From: Partnership brand is the most individual of the overarching
store labels. While adhering to all the overall core values, this label independently communicates the aspect of partnership for the From: Store. Every quarter,
the From brand partners with a local business and together they collaborate to
create new edition of products. 

For this initial edition, we partnered with a local ceramics artist, Julia Lemke.
Her small business Earthen based out of San Francisco, is a collection of homeware and jewelry inspired natural forms, simplicity and traditional craft. All her products
are made and thrown by hand, then designed through her special glaze chemistry process. The packaging for this edition was inspired by Julia’s scientific
processes and artistry in her pieces. 
Thanks for scrolling!

Project by 
Brandi Steele, Jessica Wonomihardjo,
Jay Jeon & Lisa Lindh
From: Store