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[Motion Graphics] UFCG End-Year Opening Video

Pela primeira vez a Universidade Federal de Campina Grande produziu um vƭdeo com mensagens de fim de ano de alguns de seus principais gestores. Durante 4 dias estivemos envolvidos no desenvolvimento do projeto captando images pelo campus. AlƩm de captar algumas imagens, meu trabalho se extendeu tambƩm em produzir a vinheta de abertura.
A vinheta pode ser vista acima e o vĆ­deo completo no link:Ā
For the first time, Campina Grande Federal University made an end-year video with main managers talking about it. Along 4 days we were involved in the project development recording images by the campus. Beside than record some videos made the opening video.
The opening can be seen above and the complete video here:Ā

[Motion Graphics] UFCG End-Year Opening Video

[Motion Graphics] UFCG End-Year Opening Video

Opening video for institutional end-year messages.
