This was my major project at University. I wanted to design a degree show for the students focused on presenting the students and their major projects to the market, to agencies and companies they would like to work with or that would be interested on their products.

I made an extensive research on the subject, with interviews, visits to multiple events, workshops with students, all based on my theory research on design thinking.

I designed the brand with its applications, layout for students posters and a blueprint with all the steps, dates, people that should be involved in the process etc. and, to present this to the 3 professors that would rate my work I also printed a book (over 128 pages) with all process, theory, researches, tests and results.
Blueprint with every stage of the project
layout of the posters for the event, the students would add their projects information to this.
Thank you! :D


Project of branding and logistics of university Degree Show
