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Christmas packaging


No Natal de 2018, quisemos oferecer algo especial aos nossos clientes. Para ser especial, 
tinha de ser pensado e feito por nós, e foi assim que aconteceu. Desde a ideia à ilustração
até à montagem de cada caixinha, enviámos este presente a todos os que trabalharam connosco. 
Com um tema natalício, onde cada membro da nossa equipa está ilustrado, os nossos clientes
receberam chocolates para tornar esta época (ainda) mais doce.

For the Christmas of 2018, we wanted to offer something special to our clients. To be special, it
had to be thought and done by us and that’s how it happened. From the idea to the illustration
to the packaging of each little box, we sent this gift to everyone who has ever worked with us.
With a Christmas team, where each member of our team is illustrated, our clients have received
chocolates to make this season (even) sweeter.

Christmas packaging

Christmas packaging
