Bagel Factory

Designer's bagel

The Bagel Factory, a fast food chain based in the UK, commissioned us a new website/e-commerce. We gave their products and website a fresh look.
We started with the concepts of colour, taste and simplicity. The vibrant tones of the ingredients lent themselves well to some effervescent and lively graphics.
The round shape of the bagel inspired sinuous and soft graphical elements. The food had to take centre stage, from desktop to mobile.
Bagels love selfies

The biggest challenge was translating the appetising taste of Bagel Factory’s sandwiches into crispy, crunchy pixels. With that goal in mind, we looked for the right ingredients, armed ourselves with the appropriate tools and finally found the correct way to transform these ingredients into something photogenic and irresistible.

The second challenge (and the hardest) was to wrap up the photo shoot before anyone could take a bite.
Flavours on the move

The accent colour for the whole graphical interface changes according to the bagel of the month. Each featured sandwich is described in all its scrumptiousness: ingredients and flavours.
Bagel Factory

Bagel Factory

Delicious pictures for The Bagel Factory's new website and e-commerce platform.
