That Grunge Feeling
April - September 2017
Markers, pencil, colored pencils and white gelly roll pen on paper | 420mm x 297mm

As soon as I heard that there would be a Nirvana Exhibition here in São Paulo, focused on grunge invasion, since its beginning in the mid 80's US pacific northwest until reaching the mainstream attention, I immediately got excited and started having ideas about how to represent this alternative vanguard, that was part of my 90's best memories, and which I adore at most.

First thing that came into my mind was making a composition using those iconic wings from In Utero 1993 Nirvana album as a kind of foundation, so the other elements would rapdily being constructed and interlaced in my head and then transposed to my previous sketches, until coming to its final form, texture and colors that could be closer to my personal illustration style.

So, here's my tribute and I hope you guys enjoy.
© Karen Z. Scaliaris | All Rights Reserved
That Grunge Feeling

That Grunge Feeling
