Racial Conformity

Documentary: Racial Conformity

Combined group documentary:
In our group documentary, we decided to focus on Chicanos, African-Americans, and Asians.
Alexandria Fernandez (Left): For my infograph, I wanted to focus on the effects of racial conformity by showing statistics and illustrations portraying them. For example, I used graduation caps as an illustrations to show how likely teachers think. I focused on work and put a person in a work suit. Also, I made blue my main color since their students will graduate from both high school and college. One the bottom of the infograph I think it reminds me of work and green as a good contrast to the other colors.
Pamela Monzon Gomez (Middle): For my infograph, I used a black background so whatever colors I use, they can pop out and the audience. I put statistics of how african american women have to change their hairstyle so they can meet other people standards. This proven fact was supported with a pie chart to show the percentage of how women get affected. I also included information about Hispanics and Asian women.
O'rien Thorson(Right): 
Roman Espudo: My personal documentary was focused on Chicanos.  I tried to make my documentary have a personal and emotional feel to it.  I was able to get in contact with some professors from Fresno State that work in the Chicanos and Latin American Studies Department.  They gave me some valuable information.  They also gave me some stories from their past about the way they were treated in school just because of their race.  I included some of theses stories in my documentary to get people thinking about how others feel when they are racially discriminated against.  I also tried to have the b-roll tell a story in the background.
Andrew Agustin:
Daniel Shannon: My portion of the documentary is about racial conformity with Asian students in schools. My portion will go into depth about the stereotypes and expectations of Asian students and how that impacts them at their school and home. This will also talk about why some Asian students are being viewed in the way that they are.
Part I Script
Part II Script
Part III Script
Racial Conformity