Rest in Woods
Vision in Woods

Great thank to my dear artist-friends Camille Romano, Leena Kisonen and Marika Maijala for their warm helps and supports!
This is a group exbition called Dark Vision, 7-31.12.2017, Helsinki. Porthaninkatu 9. 

My statment 
Darkness makes me cherish light/sun in life. As darkness is a part of light/sun, it is also a part of me, a part of life. 
In my works, I took plants/nature as the metaphor of 'Darkness
' in life, for darkness exist naturally in the dualistic world.
Human beings are as small as how big we understand everything in the universe. 
No matter scales, No matter light or dark, No matter--
when there is love and believe in mind, 
there is beauty.

Dark Vision