Lapse is a song written for a promotional video for Yorkshire based graffiti artist, CBLOXX. The video features a timelapse of CBLOXX completing a 4 hour mural in TempleWorks, Leeds. I drew inspiration for this piece not only from the dark and often disturbing element of CBLOXX's work, but also from the creepy atmosphere of TempleWorks itself. I decided to compose the song almost entirely from sounds found and recorded whilst exploring the unused factory, a grade 1 listed building that used to have sheep grazing on the roof and is home to one of the largest indoor spaces in the world.
Walking towards the building yielded an impressive sight, as it seemed an ancient Egyptian temple was looming over me. As it happens, the entrance building was a design based on the temple of Horus, with an obelisk style chimney. I was already looking forward to getting inside for a look around.

The inside of the building was a labyrinthine mess of peeling paint, gaping ceiling holes, dusty furniture and creepy toilets full of dressed up mannequins. The huge spaces were full of dangling pipes, old radiators, rusty metal boxes and mini artist installations around every corner. I decided it was time to unzip my bag of tricks and started hitting things with various mallets to unleash huge reverb ridden twangs and pangs that echoed throughout the halls and corridors. I also found various objects to throw across the huge spaces and release mega impulse responses.

On further exploration I discovered a room full of old broken pianos, torn down light fittings, antique furniture and deep dark holes that led to the deep recesses of the dusty cellars. (I didn’t explore those forgotten places.) I was really in my element here! With a cello bow in one hand and a mallet in the other, I swiftly attacked everything in sight, with my trusty recorder capturing all of the sonic delights that ensued.


A track composed for artist CBLOXX's time-lapse promotional video. Samples were recorded at Templeworks, Leeds and the track is inspired by the Read More


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