Trinity of Equals.
Regola di Purezza.
"Away" 80x120 Spray e pennarello su tela.
"Connessioni Opposte".
"When life gives you Demons" 120X80 Acrylic, spray and charcoal.
"Dialettica, trova un Senso se ci riesci"
"Heartbeat" 150X70 spray and Acrylic on Canvas.
"Link" 80x120 Spray e pennarello su tela.
"Stairs." 60x70 Spray on canvas.
"Me & You." 120x80 Spray on canvas.
"Vessels" 50x70 Spray on canvas.
"Opposites living Together." 50x70 Spray on canvas.
"Wounded by Life, Woven by Life." 120x80 Spray on canvas.
"BooM!" 60x60, Spray on Canvas.
"The sound of your Kisses." 60x70, Spray and Acrylic on Canvas.
"Are You Smiling?" 60x60, Spray and Acrylic on Canvas.
"The Prejudice." 50x70 Acrylic and Spray on canvas.
"Soldiers of Colors." 60x70 spray and acrylic on canvas.


All of this canvas contain my favourite shape. The triangle. For me it represent the soul, in her social expression. The past that we expose the Read More
