In 2011, after the Global Game Jam, me and Jose Osmar realized the lack of events of this type in our town. So we started developing a local gamejam in sao Paulo, to mobilize our gamedev scene. Unlike other gamejams, we organized the event to give equal importance to board game developers and video game developers, bringing together these two industries. Because of a lack of indie game events in Sao Paulo, we organized an exhibition, to showcase to the public the games made in the gamejam, along with an exhibition of art inspired by games.

We made two editions of the SPjam. The first, in 2011, gathered 99 people, organized in 24 groups, and they developed 17 digital games and 6 board games. In 2012,181 people attended the event, and they made 32 digital games and 14 board games. In the exhibition, we invited over 30 artists to illustrate their dream games in an Atari cartridge.

After the event, we noticed an increase in gamedev events and meetings in Sao Paulo and nearby cities. We can say that it makes us proud to know that we had a part in this.

I've made all the design and illustration for the event.
Some photos of the event.
SPjam 2012

SPjam 2012

Design for a gamejam event, held in São Paulo, Brazil.
