A field of soybeans ready to be harvested. You can see the use of lines made by the rows in the field.
As the Tractors get to work they stir up a storm of dust. I used a shallow field  depth of field to focus on the tractors.
The use of color really makes the tractor stand out
The first step of the harvesting of the crop. A sense of balance is created with this shot by capturing the tractor in between the two tall trees.
I use a long depth of field shot to capture the dust storm that is created while harvesting.
This shot was created to place emphasis on the storm of dust 
This shot was framed like this to show the contrast between the dust and the tractors in the distance.
The reward from harvesting is the grain that is being loaded onto the grain holder. The image of the two tractors creates unity.
I used space to show how empty the field now looks without  any crops
The use of lines draw you in to the trees in the distances as well as the emptiness of this field.
Farm Life

Farm Life

A filed being harvested and its effects
