Martin Montgomery's profile

Mixed Reality - Project Mirage

Project Mirage was a graduate school project involving an interactive "holographic playspace," powered by fog screens.

I pitched the original concept to my team and then served as an experience designer on the project and helped in fabricating the machines.

Here is a short video demonstrating the concept.
Our idea was to create an experience where guests could interact with a 3D world from one of four "windows," powered by fog screens. 

At the time, commercial fog screens were still very expensive, so we opted to build our own. Here is a picture of our first successful, non-interactive prototype. Yes, it was a mess.
Here it is in action. Skip to 00:34 to jump right to the action.
From there, we used Nintendo Wii remotes (for their infrared cameras) and gloves imbedded with IR LEDs to make it interactive.

Our first game experience involved guests placing their hands into the fog and pulling them out before a large blade dropped.
Based on our learnings, we built four more fog screens and assembled the full experience.
We designed a simple four-player pong game that encompassed all of our learnings from the semester and then presented our work at Electronic Arts and a tech conference in Tokyo.
Mixed Reality - Project Mirage

Mixed Reality - Project Mirage
