Anna Oberthaler's profile

Places of Dictatorship

This projects links three different places of Seoul to the life of the South Korean dictator Park Chung-hee dividing them into different aspects of his life: the CEO that brought wealth and westernization to the nation, the militant dictator that controlled the whole state and media and tortured enemies, and the man who lost his wife due to an assassination attempt and later was shot himself, leaving a nation behind whose appearance he actively formed. 

The project consists of two different elements. A video installation and a book work together to narrate the influence that Park Chung-hee had on South Korea during his dictatorship from 1963-1979.

By using footage of the Korean TV from the 60s and 70s, I edited a short movie that is divided into three chapters named after the three places liked to the dictator, each chapter with a different leitmotif, “The Pool“ showing ostentatious abundance, “The Bunker“ focusing on the military regime, and “The Grave“ on the death of both Park Chung-hee and his wife. The accompanying book gives deeper explanation about the choice of these three places and the metaphor behind, together with the pictures of Goeun and local archives.
Places of Dictatorship

Places of Dictatorship
