the gravel sunk deeper with every step
I thought i could stagger through
but you were swallowing me into the darkest depths
i lost that me i once knew
that blooming rose that went unoticed has withered
with the years  
the crimson petals trickled down like fallen tears
you loved ,you provided like green leaves in the sunshine
but you withdrew the radiance and our energy declined   
and when it showers I thought wilted ends would possibly
meet once more
but  through the darknest nights we faced we
drowned in the overpour
as the red bleed from our romantic cliche
we faded into grey
the negative weight limping our growth
echoes we wont last one more day.

As i remove my armor at night
and loosen the tight mask
I seek you to untangle the days event  
you always help me see sense
you feel me with intense power
the sadness slowly dissolves
with you I can escape myself,
theres no need for composure
the reason that i long for you
you offer me closure
you offer me the high , without the lows
the burns without the smoke
i long every night for another shot
you make the truth an easy pill to swallow
knock back again , now I've forgot
why my hearts so hollow
You are my secret remedy
this contents bottled up
is my worst enemy
as i loosen you , i too unwind
you become my favorite therapy
and every night i press rewind
to blur out the tragic memory

How I said hello
Is how I’ll say goodbye
Not knowing where the word will take me
Can I tattoo your heart with a permanent memory of the smile
you gave me ... many times
Can I leave your mind with a passing thought of a time I made
you laugh,
and if you come across the negative footprints I stamped across
your path..
For each step you take, embrace my mistake
And hopefully you’ll forgive me through the better man it makes.



Poetry collages
