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Ritratti rivoluzionari Revolutionary portraits

Revolutionary portraits
"La belleza y la fealdad son un espejismo porque los demás terminan viendo nuestro interior."
(Frida Kahlo)
"Frida" - Illustrazione selezionata per la mostra 2014 al concorso Lucca Junior (Lucca Comics and Games).
"Frida" - Illustration selected in 2014 Lucca Junior Contest (Lucca Comics and Games).
“Youth is the only thing worth having” (O.Wilde, "The picture of Dorian Gray").
"Dorian" - Illustrazione ispirata a "Il ritratto di Dorian Gray" (Oscar Wilde).
"Dorian" - Illustration inspired by "The picture of Dorian Gray" (Oscar Wilde).
"No, I can't explain the dance to you; if I could tell you what it meant, there would be no point in dancing it."
(Isadora Duncan, 1877-1927)
"Isadora" - Omaggio a Isadora Duncan, che danzava a piedi nudi.
"Isadora" - Tribute to Isadora Duncan, who danced on her bare feet.
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Ritratti rivoluzionari Revolutionary portraits

Ritratti rivoluzionari Revolutionary portraits


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