A group of young feminists uses Twitter as a platform to spread positivity, talk about current issues and bring topics up to discussion. They've built a safe space for young individuals to create a community that helps through their issues that they are facing. Recently Fem 4 All put together a blog for each of them to write on, share personal experiences, share their views and share their art with the community.
The Logo is a brush letter design to represent personal the blog is, and they are human and not an artificial face for a company. This is a movement they believe in that they want to represent and help make our world better to live in. The blog is meant to structure the content based on recently discussed, and the most popular stories of the week. The blog wants to incorporate dialog, get people to interact with each other.
A viewer can also sort through content with tags, they can highlight any recent stories with tags. This would help viewers find things they areas that they are interested in, some tags will only last for a day and encourage viewers to submit content on their own. Similar to the hashtags Fem 4 All uses to get other people to submit content, for example, their #cuteanddisabled tag was used to get their audience to contribute they cute selfies to show that their disability doesn't' define their beauty.
Fem 4 All


Fem 4 All

Account Brand and feminist blog layout design
