V8. 0.1 Second gear change. 8 Speed. 5 Litre. 4.8 Seconds to 100km/h. The Lexus ISF has some pretty awesome numbers. Campaign idea : The numbers come alive in the moment - the moment when every single feature in the car comes together for an exhilarating drive.
Art Director : Leon Moodley, Copy : Erin Brooks, ECD : Grant Jacobsen
Idea : Experience the exhilaration of a 1000 skies. Driving this convertible means engaging additional senses like smell as well as sight - so depending on time of day and season, you are bound to experience amazing skies, depicted here through slivers in a rainbow of colour.
Art Director : Leon Moodley, Copy : Erin Brooks, ECD : Grant Jacobsen
These two ads were designed to run consecutively in print and on billboards - hence, MOLOTOV - COCKTAIL. Revealing the launch of the Lexus ISF and the Lexus IS250C - two cars with very different drivers in mind, the boy racer and the more flamboyant top down driver.
Art Director : Leon Moodley, Copy : Erin Brooks, ECD : Grant Jacobsen
When the MD of Mark Levinson was approached by Lexus for a discussion on installing their sound systems in the Lexus range, he personally drove all three German marques as well - in order to establish that the Lexus was the best choice for Mark Levinson Sound.

To sell this feature, we opted to show that the music was so pure and uncuttered, it sounded like the Luciano Pavaroti was in the car with you.
Art Director : Leon Moodley, Copy : Erin Brooks, ECD : Grant Jacobsen
Campaign for reverse camera when it became a standard feature on the IS250. Using palindromes proved to be a simple, yet effective way to demonstrate this new feature.


