作品名稱 : Neo Image Hair Studio
地點 : 台灣 台北
屋況 : 老屋
空間格局 : 開放空間 一衛
空間坪數 : 102 m²
主要建材 : 水泥粉光地坪、鐵件、仿清水模、裸露紅磚、舊木

作品介紹 :
Neo Image Hair Studio結合了時尚與視覺設計,我們藉由輕工業風的手法來呈現髮廊新潮的形象。一進入室內空間,懸吊式的古典鏡框映照出的人就如同一個藝術品,強調以客為尊的概念。室內運用鐵件展示櫃、舊木拼貼造型吧台、鏡櫃則搭配新古典線板增添時尚感及衝突感;洗髮區以線簾做半私密性部分穿透效果,入口處以新古典沙發以及現代吊燈增添趣味性,營造現代輕工業風的藝術空間。

Neo Image Hair Studio presents stylish & visional aesthetics. Thus, we use industrial style to show alternate trendy. In order to emphasize respect and honor, we shape the customer's reflection in the suspended classical mirror as an artwork. The mix of interior include concrete walls, display cabinets, reception desk and mirror cabinets, these elements increase the sense of fashion and conflict in the space. The shampoo area use line curtain to create a semi-private penetrated effect; besides, designated classical sofa and modern chandelier add an interesting twist to the entrance. We design the hair studio as an art space, hoping customer will enjoy the atmosphere.

Neo Image Hair Studio

Neo Image Hair Studio



Creative Fields