A Bluejay taking peanuts out of a hollow tree.
A Bluejay taking peanuts out of a hollow tree.
A Bluejay taking peanuts out of a hollow tree.
Red-Tailed Hawk perched in a tree.
Red-Tailed Hawk perched in a tree.
Red-Tailed Hawk perched in a tree.
Red-Tailed Hawk perched in a tree.
Red-Tailed Hawk perched in a tree.
Red-Tailed Hawk in flight.
Red-Tailed Hawk perched in a tree.
A pair of Red-Tailed Hawks in flight together.
 This is a picture of a tree with berries in my front yard. This was taken during a storm, then edited in Photoshop to give it the brightness and appearance of a normal sunny day.
This image was taken of the moon on 08/31/2012 during it's Blue Moon phase. The moon gave off a flare of color and lighting that was captured on the branches that i was shooting through.
Taken with a Canon Powershot SX150 IS at about 25 ft above my head. I was shooting him at about 75 yards with it, and he
did the unpredictable. Always before, he had flown away from me, this time he flew right at me, i just had time to snap one
quick shot as he flew over. Red-Tailed Hawk
Nature Photography

Nature Photography

Varied pictures of Nature.
