This is a group project that is design to simulate the flood simulation. The group members include Ben Miller, Tyler Ordiway and me. ( Yu-Nien Chien) In this project, we were trying to set a simple scene that has one house and also build the water to simulate the flood. 
At first, we build a house in Maya and try to find a way to destroy the building by water. We tried to import the house into UDK as Unreal Development Kit and we learned in class that we can destroy the house by the PhysX Destructible Software. However, we faced the difficultly that it's hard to generate the water inside UDK, and it will be easier to build the water in Maya. We successfully generate the water inside the Maya and used the fish tank to build the whole flood simulation. 
I always enjoy the group project because we can really discuss what will be a good suggestion. On the other hand, we can supervise each other so we will not fall behind while doing the project. I did really enjoy doing the group project with Ben and Tyler. 
A building build by Ben Miller
Building build by Ben Miller
A downhill view to the house
Side view
Flood Simulation Still Image 01
Flood Simulation Still Image 02
Flood Simulation Still Image 03
Flood Simulation

Flood Simulation

Flood Simulation


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