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Game Development - Astro & Jet

"Astro & Jet" is a game born at Epic Game Jam '17, and it was created by me and Ester Fogaça. Above you can check the original project pitch that we've presented at the event.

The game is being developed in Unity3D, and I took the role of Director, Concept Artist, Game Designer and Game Developer, as Ester is in charge also of the Game Design, Artwork and Animations of this title. The music in the prototype trailer was made by the awesome Leonardo Lima. Thank you, Leo!

The main concept is to create a puzzle platformer focused on cooperative play, with couch coop, aimed at couples, families, and the general public, using the molds established by the games of the 8 and 16 bit eras. We, as a couple, face a real struggle whenever we try to find one game that met these requirements, since nowadays, most game only support online coop.
Here are some of my initial sketches. The dog-like characters is Astro, and the penguin-cockroach-like character is Jet. After I helped with the initial conversion to pixel art, we've set on giving Astro a few extra pounds, since we will be using his weight in the game mecanics, so that he can sit and break buttons and other interesting elements.
This is a preview of the music style of the game. I'm currently composing them in Milkytracker, and this song is the game's main villain theme. The song actually loops, and the xm files will be directly used in Unity, due to their small file size and performance.

Astro & Jet is being developed in our free time, so we have no release date planned yet.
It'll be released for windows, mac and linux, and possibly other platforms as well.

You can check Astro & Jet's gamertrials hub here:
Game Development - Astro & Jet