Dikssha Dinesh's profile

Ushr: An Indoor Navigation App

Ushr is an Indoor Way-finding app powered by Augmented Reality. It is inspired by my experiences trying to have fun with my family. Once a month the four of us would plan a trip to the mall, tons of research would go into which stores and restaurants are in the mall. But, at the end of the day we would come home disappointed and upset.

Pain Points
Hard to find to important information like washrooms
Getting lost within the mall with no sense of directions
Not finding the experiences we are looking for at the mall

Brag Points
Save time as you explore and have fun
Find your way to any spot in any building
Find exactly what you are looking for

Indoor directions powered by Augmented Reality and Bluetooth beacons
Crowd sourced updates that empower all users
Powerful search and personalization for the best experience 
The flows describe the movement of the user from one task to another as they go through the app. The flow moves between a screen, interaction and back-end and then back to the next screen. 
The sketches are low fidelity drawings of each screen from the flows. The sketches resolve the hierarchy, iconography and layout for each screen. These sketches then became a paper prototype for a usability test.
App icon
The App Icon was inspired by the traditional movie theater usher combined with the location pin. The subdued was green was used because green is the color of go.
Usability tests 
12 users were tested using a paper prototype, 5 users were familiar with the premise and purpose of the app before testing. 10 users visited malls often, other 2 liked the museum example. The 10 users generally wandered around to find spots inside the buildings.

Do you visit malls or large buildings often?
How do you navigate these buildings?
Did it live upto your expectations?
What else would improve your experience?

The flow of screens and sequence of events make sense, though some details on screen in terms of copy and iconography will make it easier to use.
The “Give Recommendation” feature was not clear and confused many people.
Augmented Reality Map was exciting, but users felt a 2D map would also be helpful.
Users would like competitor information to search results, with more sort and filter options.
After user arrives at their location they would like to see a timeout screen or tap to make the direction screen go away
Brag point webpage
A one page webpage was designed to show off the app to a potential user. The webpage was coded using Zurb Foundations and Animation.css libraries, gifs were built in After Effects. 

Ushr: An Indoor Navigation App

Ushr: An Indoor Navigation App

Ushr is an indoor navigation app powered by Augmented Reality
