Here's an example of a fun internal poster campaign on behalf of the Human Resources Department. The purpose is to remind employees to upgrade their laptop pass codes to more complex pass phrases.
The print component of this campaign reflected the same concepts as the TV spots, using simple visual metaphors to demonstrate EverBank's dedication to working harder for their customers and consistency in offering higher yields on their accounts. I wrote the copy and worked closely with my AD partner to create a piece that extended the concept perfectly.

Army Navy Surplus Market

This was a small business looking to get some attention without spending a ton of money. So I wrote some smart, fun headlines and my partner developed some really incredible layouts to drop them into. They loved them. We did, too.

New Orleans Metropolitan Convention and Visitors' Bureau

This campaign represents one of the most challenging and rewarding episodes in my career. The NOMCVB was a client for my agency when Hurricane Katrina hit in 2005. Forced to evacuate and not able to return for nearly a month, we rolled up our sleeves to get the message out that the city was open for business as soon as things were up and running. Anchored in the line "Forever New Orleans", the campaign spoke to the resiliency and dedication of the people of NOLA and their city's proud history. One of the greatest hurdles to overcome was the perception that New Orleans was still underwater, months after it wasn't. My role on this project was as associate creative director and writer.

Tampa Theatre

Tampa Theatre has been a downtown Tampa landmark since 1926. They wanted a smart print campaign that highlighted the uniqueness of this cultural gem. So I wrote the following headlines and copy and my incredibly talented AD partner designed a layout that featured photography of the theatre's magnificent architecture. These are some of my personal favorites.

Save Our Everglades Sugar

This example of capitalism-meets-activism is one I was very proud to work on. Sugar production in the Everglades has decimated plant and wildlife due to toxic chemical runoff. This company produced its sugar outside this delicate ecosystem, offering environmentally conscious consumers a happy alternative. I came up with the concepts and wrote the copy.


Some of my favorite print examples
