Birdy Yang's profile

Illustration | 插圖設計

Moon Festival 中秋節
Formosan black bear 台灣黑熊
God has eyes. 老天有眼
Buddha's grace illuminates all living creatures as sunshine. 佛光普照
Meditation under the Bodhi tree. 菩提樹下的冥想
All living creatures just like dust. 微塵眾
Invisible peace 不可見的平和
Confused 困惑
The Magic 魔法

Links 作品連結:WebsiteInstagramPinterestDribbbleWordPress

Shops 線上商店: ShutterstockCreative MarketDesignbyHumans
Illustration | 插圖設計

Illustration | 插圖設計

插圖設計 Illustration
