3D Model, Mudbox, Rigging
Tyrannosaurus, T-Rex, is the dinosaur that truly dominate the Cretaceous. I build this 3D model while on Spring, 2012.

 Since I was a fan of dinosaurs while I was a child, I really have fun doing this project. From doing the rough Model from maya, and after having a low-poly model I import the 3D model inside the Mudbox.

In Mudbox, I sculpt the details for T-Rex, and also unwrap the T-Rex UV. After fixing it's UV, I put on the texture inside the Mudbox and bring it back to the Autodesk Maya and light it. I really have a lot of fun while doing this project.

Also, I learn lots of different technics for doing Mudbox, in fact, this is my first time to touch the Mudbox, so I did face some difficulties, but I am still learning a lot and produce a pretty nice 3D model. 
It's the wireframe for my T-Rex Model
Texture it in Mudbox
I also put some of my creativities ( armor ) on it.
T-Rex with Armor
T-Rex before rigging.
The rigging I put on the T-Rex.
Some close up shot for T-Rex with armor.


It's the 3D model I create while in spring, 2012
