Rush Olson's profile

Scripts - Comedy, pie in the face I

During a recent Rangers postseason run, Derek Holland's wispy mustache got lots of media play.  He pitched very well, but Rollie Fingers, he wasn't.
Tylock Morrows Officials TV

Celebrities frequently do endorsements in exchange for services like eye surgery.  In this case, it wasn't the athlete having the surgery, but rather his wife.  Luckily, she's got the personality to also be an effective advocate.  Check out the Potomac Garage Solutions project on Behance for more evidence.
Ryan T-shirts TV

This spot fit into a campaign where kids asked questions of their ballgame companions, similar to ones children might actually pose.  The conversations took place with ballplayers, or in this case, a former ballplayer.  During the shoot, Nolan said, "Why'd I agree to this again?" as he changed shirts for the fourth time.  The game did sell out, which is a valid, if delayed, response to that question.
MCR Bullfights radio

The Rangers gave innocent persons somehow possessed of Yankees gear the opportunity to dispose of it honorably. Local radio personality Gordon Keith might have had just the twisted approach to pull it off. The season campaign, after all, was “Attitude is Everything.”

Disciplinarian radio

It’s tough in November and December for a fan to know his or her schedule during baseball season. We therefore felt the 10-pack product’s flexibility offered an effective selling point. At the time, Michael Young had just finished his fifth consecutive 200-hit season.  

Plate’s Lament radio

Everybody loves walkoff wins. The home team charges off the bench, the crowd cheers, the music plays. But one ballpark fixture seems less enthusiastic.

Scripts - Comedy, pie in the face I

Scripts - Comedy, pie in the face I

Scripts Humor A little hairy now and then Good guys win in the end Who writes this stuff? Rush Olson


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