Rush Olson's profile

Scripts - Comedy, understated II

Sometimes humor offers a memorable way to communicate a message.  It doesn't always have to careen wildly over-the-top, either.    This series of scripts leans more toward the droll.

Blue Jerseys radio

Texans associate a number of positive qualities with their state and its symbols, like the state flower.  The Rangers aspired to similar associations in fans' minds.
Wrestling radio

The Mesquite Championship Rodeo aimed to share audience with fans of another pastime that includes collisions and face plants.
Hooters Contest radio

Do people go to Hooters for the food? No! They go there to register to win a contest. At least, that’s what they told me.

Note : Writing "understated" copy for a Hooters spot presents certain challenges.  Grueling work, that.
Football Night TV

In case you did not know, people like football in Texas.  A lot.  You may also not have realized that pitchers do sometimes use footballs to work on throwing mechanics, as Nolan Ryan did.
Bass Fishing TV

A good fastball leads to success.  In fields besides just baseball, apparently.

Sometimes ballplayers have good chemistry together on and off the field. The right creative can take advantage of it. 
Scripts - Comedy, understated II

Scripts - Comedy, understated II

Scripts Humor With a knowing chuckle Who writes this stuff? Rush Olson


Creative Fields