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Jack of Spades / Playing Arts

Playing Arts

Special Edition

537 artists from 67 countries participated in design contest, showing their vision of the custom playing cards. Each contestant was asked to create an artwork for one particular card in his distinct style and technique. 

I was took part for special edition. This is my submission for Jack of Spades.
Here i draw a portrait of a maldhari man from kutch Gujarat. Maldhari’s are nomadic tribal herdsmen who live in the Gujarat state of India. The literal meaning of Maldhari is "owner of animal stock". Maldhari’s are descendants of nomads who periodically came from neighboring Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh and other parts of Gujarat finally settled in the Banni grasslands. The Maldhari have been living in the Banni grasslands for nearly 700 years. The connection between the Maldhari and their handicrafts might be the most noticeable thing about them. Their jewelry and clothing imbue a sense of identity and tradition, and symbolize their beliefs and ideals. Men wear gold hoops and buttons in their ears; looking more like pirates than shepherds. The sole exception to their ordinary scene is the beautiful and ornate embroidery and jewelry adorning the Maldhari. Their beautifully sewn clothes and ornaments are in direct contrast to their simple homes and harsh existence.
Jack of Spades / Playing Arts

Jack of Spades / Playing Arts

I was invited to participate to playing arts contest here I present Final art work of kutchi jack of spades @playingarts I try to draw a portrait Read More
