Pepe Doval's profile

End of Degree Speech

The Award

At the end of my degree I was awarded with the End Of Degree Prize, which is given to the best academic results in each year. I was further invited to prepare a speech for the graduates in the following year, which was intended to be pronounced at the graduation event.
The Event

The graduation event was held in the "Escuela Superior de Ingeniería Informática de Ourense" on 30th April 2009. Graduates of the next year to mine, their families, teachers and personalities attended to the event.
The Speech

I prepared a very short but intense speech, in Spanish.

It follows a translation into English:


¡Congratulations! You've got a talent for Computer Science. And it's not because they've taught you things, but because they've taught you things and you have learnt them. Now think how are you going to use this talent, because the world needs us. I'm gonna give you 3 tips, which you'll ignore but I'm eager to tell:

The first one is: aim high. We can change the world, this is obvious, because we've already done that: Wikipedia, eBay, Google, Youtube, ... And we can do it from a garage with pizza and coke, so you know. So aim high, because we have the ability to change the world from the scratch.

My second tip: your time is worth more than your money. The time we have in this life is limited. And we're getting older. When we'll arrive at the end we're not going to regret the lack of money but the lack of time. So, although extreme points aren't good, obviously, don't forget what is worth your time, and don't give it in exchange for nothing.

My final tip: as Steve Jobs would say, make a notch in the universe. If you go with the tenacity and desire to change the world that we, the geeks, have with no doubt, then some day, not your parents, like today, but you will be proud of what you'll have done.


I don't know you. But I know your sons and daughters and I can tell that you can be proud for sure. It is not easy to get here. In many cases, alcohol and revelry give even more value to the achievement.


Thank you.

Thanks to my project managers, Arno and David, that in some way must be guilty in this award.

Thanks also to Miguel Cacho, the only teacher able to convince their students to put the layers of TCP / IP next to the poster of Pamela Anderson. Those who have doubts about how to impart lessons, imitate him.

And thanks to the other teachers. Thank you all. You've taught us to be people, sometimes by imitation and others by opposition.

You are a crucial part in the university experience. So I want to drop a warning for you:

Bologna is not an excuse to exploit the students to do the job that's going to be your PhD thesis. It is not that, nor anything like that. Bologna is an opportunity for all, from which we should take profit, not individually but collectively, to improve our School and our way of teaching. I appeal to your youth and energy to ask you for involvement and willingness to learn and understand the new methodologies.


Thank you for your presence; these acts appear to have greater importance each year. But I think I'm not speaking alone when I say that I hope that this year's speeches will be a little shorter than in previous editions. The time is also valuable for you, and great speeches do not have to be long speeches.

One last point: I've got the best marks in my class both in third and fifth. However, in third I didn't get this award because I finished the project in only 2 months, so a boy of the previous year took the prize. Now, I spent 2 years to make the project and I receive the prize that corresponds to the next year. Does it seem strange only to me? What would the best student in this year think? Please take note.

Finally, I'd like to end with just one tip for everyone. It's one thing I learned during my degree. I didn´t learn it from a teacher, but from a buddy we had, Hector, who tragically left us, but not before teaching us, not with words but with facts, that everything in life, everything, good things and bad things, everything is better handled with a smile. Thank you very much.

End of Degree Speech

End of Degree Speech

End Of Degree Award Thanks Speech
