Design 360° Magazine - No. 67 Design & Woodwork

No. 67  Design & Woodwork   |   設計勞作與木器

Wooden homeware, wooden space and architecture, artworks and installations made of wood are gaining in an increasing popularity from the public and designers.The fascination of wood lies probably in its uniqueness and innate charm, being so amiable, attractive and warm that people couldn’t help to step closer and lay a finger on it. Thanks to its natural texture and color, various types and shapes, wood is a seemingly unending inspiration for designers. A multi-angle thinking about wood’s original state, research and innovation on the traditional tenon-and-mortise joints, and deep excavation of wood’s properties, etc. are all inspirations for designers.

木製的生活器具,木建造的空間、建築,以木為創作材料的藝術品、裝置等,越來越多地受到大眾與設計師們的鐘愛。其迷人之處或在於木的獨一無二,和與生俱來的魅力——親和感、吸引力與溫度,讓人禁不住靠近、觸碰。其天然的肌理與顏色,多樣化的種類與形態,更是設計師源源不斷的靈感——對木材原始狀態的多角度思考 ,對傳統榫卯結構的研究與創意發想 ,以及對木材屬性的深度挖據等 ,都是啟發設計師 的可能。

book i  |  Lab  實驗

: click the name to view more :
book ii  |  Dialogue  對談

: click the names to view more :
book iii  |  Design Exploration of Wood  木的設計探索

: click the names to view more :

180° Design  |  Designer’s Self-promotion 設計師的自我推廣

: click the names to view more :

270° Exchange  |  Perspectives on Typeface Design 造字新語

: click the names to view more :

Publication Info

Chief Editor & Design Director : Shaoqiang Wang
主編及設計總監 : 王紹強

Executive Editor : Joseph Foo
執行主編 : 胡志義

Editorial Consultants : Xiao Yong / Chen Nan / Javin Mo / Jiang Hua / Hei Yiyang / Aaron Nieh
編輯顧問 : 肖勇 / 陳楠 / 毛灼然 / 蔣華 / 黑一烊 / 聶永真

Design Assistant : Antiny Wu
設計助理 : 吳燕婷

Coordinator & Flowcharting : Krystle Zhang
統籌與流程 : 張星

Editors : Krystle Zhang / Shirley Lin / PT Lau
編輯 : 張星 / 林澤爽 / 劉佩婷


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Design 360° Magazine - No. 67 Design & Woodwork

Design 360° Magazine - No. 67 Design & Woodwork

In Issue No.67, we showcase how designers design with wood and how they integrate their thinking into wooden design.
