So Much To Learn...
My mom was so sweet to get dressed up and be my model yesterday! It was my first honest attempt at a portrait photo shoot. I have snapped shots here and there of friends or family, but never gone out with the intention of creating beautiful portraits of one person. However, this is the exact type of photography I would like to specialize in, which is why I need practice. Unfortunately, not many people want to be my model at this stage since I am still learning, and therefore slow. So I have to give a big shout out to my mom for putting up with me! I only managed to capture a couple of shots that I like from this shoot, and honestly I had to try to doctor the exposures in Lightroom. I came away from this shoot having learned two very important lessons; Never let leftover settings ruin new photographs, and try to ignore the people that want to watch what you are doing. All in all, I only love one of these photographs,but I suppose that one is better than none!
Mom's Photo Shoot

Mom's Photo Shoot

A photo shoot featuring my beautiful mother....


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