Gráfica Tática

Gráfica Tática was a collective who held a series of activities during the protests against the brazilian state coup in 2016. The idea was take over the Casa do Conde, a cultural equipment in the city of Belo Horizonte, with letterpress prints in various sizes done in a open workshop. Made with the collaboration of Aline Rabello, Ana Utsch, Bruno Guimarães, Cláudio Santos, Fábio Martins, Fernanda Goulart, Flávio Vignoli, Sonia Queiroz, and many others students, artists and activists.

Gráfica Tática

Gráfica Tática

[PT] Cartazes, oficina e impressos realizados em conjunto com o coletivo Gráfica Tática para a ação “Tipografia para Resistir” realizado durante Read More
