Smart Aid
We are provided first aid kits in our vehicles, at public places and institutions, but how many of us know exactly how to use of it? An emergency can arise at any time without a warning and we feel helpless if we do not know what to do in such situations. 
The existing solution is a ready to use First Aid Box, but we need to think about something that is instantly usable without much prior training. Usually, in case of emergencies people become technologically dependent. 76% of people call a friend or emergency helpline, 37% purchase supplies, 25% download an emergency app, or post for help on social media, but the moment when we could have saved a precious life is gone by that time. 
To solve such problems, creating an Intelligent system to assist, educate & aware users about Primary assessment while awaiting arrival of Emergency medical services.
For example, during major accidents this intelligent communications and service system will first intimate about the emergency to the local so that we can locally available help. It will also notify the medical services for sending help through drones, rescue team and at the same time it will let you know how many vacant beds are there in the nearest hospital and whom should be taken first and fast based on the analysis of serious injuries. Such system could be working on busy highways, homes, offices and public places.
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Smart Aid

Smart Aid

An Intelligent system to assist, educate & aware users about Primary assessment (first aid) while awaiting arrival for Emergency medical services Read More
