Visual sonics
The goal of this project is to visualize the unique character, feeling, and tone of a piece of music, using abstract visual gestures, photomanipulation, textures, and typography.  The song I chose to interpret is Toro y Moi's "So Many Details." 

I began the project by listening to the song multiple times, and creating gestural marks with paint, charcoal, pen, and other media.  I analyzed each "voice" of the song (synth pads, drums, vocals, electronic beeps, etc.) and distilled their sonic qualities into colors, textures, and patterns.  I then created photomontages by scanning in my gestural marks and combining them with abstract photos and typography in an attempt to capture what I see in my mind's eye when I listen to the song.

The project resulted in two unique but aesthetically unified solutions.  Each solution can be experienced page by page in booklet form, as well as viewed as a whole poster when the booklet is unfolded.  Both formats are displayed below.  The aesthetic experiments resulting from this project can be viewed below, ideally in conjunction with the music.  Listen here.


My first visual solution, unfolded into poster

My second visual solution, unfolded into poster

Ryan Johnsen // ART 3620 // Spring 2015

Visual Sonics

Visual Sonics

Two posters distilling the sonic qualities of Toro y Moi's "So Many Details" into visual compositions. ART 3620: Visual Communication II. Instruc Read More
