2013 was a turning point for me. This was the year, suffering numerous bouts of depression, stumbled onto the likes of Stevie Nicks, Fleetwood Mac, gypsies and witches, mysticism, and most importantly - spiritual work. As I dug deeper, I unearthed a whole cavern of treasure - esoteric illustrations found in Aboriginal Dreamtime and the romanticized dreamy Arizonian Southwest.

My illustrations draw inspiration from the mysticism and mythology of the two concepts - including the ritualistic markings of totemic poles, palm drawings, spirit animals and the personal, emotional, raw and surrealistic nature of dreams.

The high frequency of serpents appearing in my drawings goes back to the long ancient belief of "Spirit Animals", animal spirits that embody certain personalities that can be called upon to guide a person to lead a more fulfilling life in all aspects - physical, mental, emotional. In particular, serpent spirit animals represent healing and transformation - changes in life. The concept of this intriguing yet elusive nature of ancient mystics and shamanism is then tightly weaved into my work.

Starting with the inception of the exploration of the unique style of tattoo art, the illustrative style draws inspiration from the distinctive solid black lines and dotting, or pointilism, techniques reminiscent of this genre of art work.

This illustration was used as a logo by Akiko Yoshimoto, a Spiritual Luxury fashion brand, for their e-commerce website, under the "Philosophy" page.
A portfolio showcase held in February 2014 featuring works across multiple disciplines; graphic design, advertising, illustration and photography by the graduating class of SP Design School’s Diploma in Visual Communication and Media Design. 

At Lisa's booth, an exclusive selection of one hundred coin-sized clay discs were slowly and painstakingly hand crafted from scratch and hand painted. The design featured on the clay discs were the serpentine shapes and galaxy print, reminiscent of Lisa's illustrations from the 2013 New Moon Rising series. All one hundred of the clay discs were made available for free giveaways to the public which were completely given out by the third day. 



A series of illustrations and drawings done for a personal branding series "Totems".
