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What Does the Game of Jenga Teach Us About Jesus'...

People often claim to see God and his messages in many ways that are not necessarily valid or useful and just create a mockery of Christianity. I find this to be extremely funny but also a sad representation of people who come to these conclusions.

I drew inspiration for this piece from an article written by Tom Seitz who discussed the parallels between the temptations in Jesus’ life (and also our life) and Jenga. Christians oftentimes lose context of their beliefs and views when only in the company of Christians. Here I am physically manifesting a model of the key points from Seitz’s article in order to remove it from the context of his church website. This piece is geared towards Christians who are quite familiar and comfortable in their faith, and also those unfamiliar with Christianity, but both sides will experience different reactions. but having stepped away from it for quite some time I was able to understand the perspective of someone not raised in a church. It is necessary that this piece be played because when the blocks fall out of order they do not hold any meaning or lesson as they have been removed from their context and order, just as the misinterpretation of the gospels. The main problem with Christianity in America is that Christians oftentimes do not know how to read the Bible and understand it, and as a result a lot of bigotry is present which is actually the opposite of what Jesus taught.  

Jenga has no connection to the Bible, Jesus, or anything related to God.

“So where does the game of Jenga fit in? In these ways: First of all, Jenga reminds us that pride is the greatest temptation. Pride suggests that the point of life is to be like God and that being like God means rearranging and reconstructing the person God has created us to be in a vain attempt to improve ourselves, but in so doing, actually weakening ourselves and setting up an eventual fall. And yet we fall for this temptation all the time, thinking that the higher we make ourselves, the better off we will be. Jesus came to show us that the point of life is to be grounded in his love, and that when we are grounded in his love, we are not only totally secure, but our lives produce the fruits of the Spirit, and that that is how God intends for us to grow into the stature of Christ.”

What Does the Game of Jenga Teach Us About Jesus'...

What Does the Game of Jenga Teach Us About Jesus'...

I grew up in a very Christian home, but after my father passed away I lost connection to my faith. I didn’t use my faith to help me overcome this Read More
