Lou McGill's profile


Digital Art
The metropolis reveals itself as one of those great historicalformations in which opposing streams which enclose life unfold, as wellas join one another with equal right.
Georg Simmel
It is the future, and humans are divided into two groups: the thinkers, who make plans (but don't know how anything works), and the workers, who achieve goals (but don't have the vision). Completely separate, neither group is complete, but together they make a whole.
Murray Chapman
Completely separate, neither group is complete, but together they make a whole. One man from the "thinkers"; dares visit the underground where the workers toil, and is astonished by what he sees...  
Murray Chapman
In an expanding universe, time is on the side of the outcast. Those who once inhabited the suburbs of human contempt find that without changing their address they eventually live in the metropolis.
Quentin Crisp
les great metal
                discs radiator caps
gleam of wheels
                renown botanist
blueprint splendors
                & miseries & auto-
miseries manages
                congestion plants
hanging tea
                gardens ardent
planets arcade

Robert Frittreman, Metropolis 8