Water is omnipresent. It is essential to human life and therefore one of the most important ressources on earth. More and more people share steadily decreasing drinking water reserves. Water scarcity is a present problem and will come to a head.

"Formlos" visualizes different aspects of water in the small area of the spanish island Mallorca. It's the first part of an ongoing series. It gives an overview of the island, the different points of view it can be discovered from, how drinking water is produced and how it is consumed by the argicultue and tourism on the island. Water has uncountable forms. A social comment by Martin Lamberty.


Pages:   76
Size:      200x276 mm
Paper:   Metapaper extrarough warmwhite 150 g/m²
              Circle Offset white 115 g/m²
'Set Fawn 120 g/m²
Special: Handmade stitch binding



"Formlos" deals with the different aspects of water in a small area – the spanish island Mallorca. It's the first part of an ongoing series.
