Wild Knowledge 

Explore 'process', and the relationship between intellect and instinct.
Relying mainly on your intuition - your gut instinct - supplemented with some imaginative and exploratory approaches to research and production, undertake a series of mini projects which lead from one to the next, and which push and stretch your own approaches to generating ideas.

This project/brief started off as an exploration of intellect and instinct in relation to creative processes. I was required to act instinctively, undertaking a series of mini projects which should lead from one to the next that would push and stretch my own approaches to generating ideas. I was asked to document my process as I move along and reflect on any issues or interesting questions that arises. As I embarked on my research, a widely used and heard phrase surfaced: “Trust your instincts.” There were, however, many who felt that this statement was fallacious. The question after; are first instincts generally bad?

First instincts are not generally bad; People are just too conservative towards change. In the beginning, as I had an abundant of ideas to work instinctively, I also realised I had even more questions asked for each idea, and these questions ultimately stopped me from executing them. These questions are also known as Doubt, A feeling of uncertainty, or a lack of conviction.

Each mini project presented was “hand made” (no digital imaging or photo manipulation) photographed and documented. These projects were some that I never thought would succeed as outcomes or even thought possible to execute. Acting instinctively, fighting the doubts I had along the way I moved from one project to the next, and as I reflected through each project,

I concluded; Instincts do not push creativity. Doubt does.


An exploration of intellect and instinct in relation to creative processes, the project titled, Doubt is a by-product of this relationship betwee Read More
