Caren Sutton's profile

Starfleet Starship Library

The fundamental materials from the USS Enterprise’s ship library was intended to capture the world and pieces of Star Trek as originally envisioned by Gene Roddenberry when he first created the series in the 1960s and make it physically tangible. Designed in-universe, the project generally keeps within the realm of The Original Series and the established canon at the time. Inferred elements from the series as well as clearly established costumes, characters, or props were given more detail and background.

One of my favorite pieces in my portfolio, this project allowed me to really release my inner geek. I dived into my collection of Star Trek reference books, scoured the internet, and with the help of them both gathered as much information, inspiration, and data as I could so this project would be as accurate as possible.

I first redesigned the Starfleet logo as I envisioned it would have looked during the 2260s rather than use the licensed logo. This was so that I would have flexibility of use and consistency of overall feel within my work.

Standard & Dress Uniform Regulations Manual
The USS Enterprise’s Standard & Dress Uniform Manual outlines the guidelines and rules of wearing the Starfleet Uniform. It includes where badges, insignia, and ranks are placed and describes the ranking system as well as the dress uniform requirements.
The Communicator
The Standard Handheld Multifunction Communicator product box is an illustration of the standard Starfleet military packaging this and similar devices utilize. The box has illustrations of the product in various positions and situations on nearly all sides, all of which describe the object, show its parts, or detail basic manufacturing information. Upon opening the box, product information detailing how to use the communicator and problem solving its issues is provided along with a detailed diagram.
Every starship is provided three logbooks, and each pertains to one of the following: sciences, command, and operations, the three divisions of Starfleet. The logbooks are to be taken on assignment and on landing party missions and could be easily stored in a small pocket.
Personnel Files
The Senior Personnel Files is a sample of the Starfleet filing system which provide information on each Starfleet officer at each designated posting, in this case, the USS Enterprise. These private files are to be only viewed under order or by Captain Kirk or Commander Spock, only when necessary and must have a high ranking officer present when removed and returned. The files include birth dates, race, sex, height, weight, medical notes, and more. A form on the left side of the folder is provided to keep a log of who accesses the files, the rank of who accessed the file, and the time of access in order to ensure the files are being viewed within regulations.
Galaxy Stellar Cartography & Map &
Prime Directive Flyer 

The General Order Number One / Prime Directive flyer and the Galaxy Stellar cartography poster would be both viewable on the computer, of course, and also on the corridor walls of the Enterprise herself. The flyer helps remind the crew of the promise Starfleet has made to not interfere with the evolution of other people’s cultures. And the Galaxy Stellar cartography outlines the borders of the major forces: Starfleet, the Klingon Empire, and the Romulan Empire.
Starfleet Starship Library

Starfleet Starship Library

The Starfleet fundamental materials from the USS Enterprise’s ship library was intended to capture the world and pieces of Star Trek as originall Read More
